Author’s checklist
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- Author’s checklist

General Guideline
- ☐ Manuscript must be written according to the research and publication ethics of JKBNS.
- ☐ First and corresponding authors must be the members of Korean Society of Biological Nursing Science.
Manuscript Preparation
- ☐ Manuscript is double-space typed with 10.0 point (.hwp) or 12 point type (.doc).
- ☐ Manuscript consisted of title, English abstract, text, references, tables and figures in separate pages.
- ☐ Length of manuscript in English is limited to 5,000 words for text only, and limited to 4,000 for text only in Korean.
Title page (submit a separated file from main text)
- ☐ All author names and affiliations are provided in Korean and English.
- ☐ A corresponding author and complete address, telephone and e-mail address are provided.
- ☐ Research support/funding and conflict of interest are noted.
English abstract
- ☐ English title.
- ☐ The abstract is not exceed 250 words.
- ☐ Purpose, Methods, Results, and Conclusion are provided.
- ☐ English keywords must be MeSH terms in Medline, and the number of keywords should be 5 or less.
- ☐ The references are written in English.
- ☐ Check that all references included in the reference list are cited in the text.
- ☐ All reference style was followed by the instructions for authors.
Tables and Figures
- ☐ The titles and content of tables and figures should be written in English.
- ☐ All tables and figures are mentioned in the text and numbered in the order on which they are mentioned.
- ☐ All abbreviations were described at the bottom of the tables or figures.
Corresponding author: Name_________________ Signature_________________ Date_________________