J Korean Biol Nurs Sci > Volume 18(1); 2016 > Article
Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science 2016;18(1):51-59.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7586/jkbns.2016.18.1.51    Published online February 29, 2016.
Effects of a Footbath Program on Heart Rate Variability, Blood Pressure, Body Temperature and Fatigue in Stroke Patients
Son, Yu Lim , Yoo, Myung Sook
1Department of Nursing, Kyungbuk College, Yeongju, Korea.
2College of Nursing, Catholic University of Daegu, Daegu, Korea. sryoo7@cu.ac.kr
This study was to examine the effects of a footbath program on heart rate variability, blood pressure, body temperature and fatigue of stroke patients with stroke-induced hemiparesis.
A non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design was used. Participants were 40 stroke patients, twenty for the footbath program and twenty for the control group, who were hospitalized in a long-term rehabilitation hospital in G city of Korea, from February to April 2014. The twenty participants in the experimental group received the intervention of footbaths and an educational program focused on the prevention of stroke complications; Collected data were analyzed by the IBM SPSS WIN 20.0 program using a t-test, chi2 test, Mann-Whitney U test and repeated measures ANOVA.
Significant differences were found in heart rate variability, systolic blood pressure, hand and foot temperatures and fatigue between the two groups. But no significant differences were found in diastolic blood pressure, core temperatures, forehead temperatures, and hand temperatures between the two groups.
The footbath program was an effective intervention for skin temperature change and fatigue reduction for stroke patients. Therefore, it is recommended that the footbath program can be utilized as an effective nursing intervention for stroke patients in long-term rehabilitation care hospitals.
Key Words: Foot, Heart rate, Body temperature, Fatigue, Stroke

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